Whenever any information is uploaded to a hosting account or downloaded using it, web site traffic is produced and this is a component that every single hosting plan comes with. It's also among the characteristics it is important to check out, because how much site traffic allowance you will need is dependent upon what you need the account for. The website traffic is mostly generated by downloads and this includes site visits. In layman's terms, when somebody opens your website, the pages are downloaded from the server on his or her computer system and they are subsequently shown by their internet browser. It is also important to be aware that uploads matter too, so that whenever you duplicate bigger files from your computer to the server, some web site traffic is generated too. Different companies may have different names for this specific feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them refer to the exact same thing - the amount of incoming & outgoing data produced for a given period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Hosting
Our Linux hosting are appropriate for any type of small to medium-sized site and even a larger number of websites. Considering that you can host a number of domain names using a single account, we've designed the packages in a way so as to provide you with all of the features you may need. No matter if you run a personal portfolio website or an eCommerce website, our monthly site traffic quota that your site can use will never be a problem. Thus, you'll have the option to broaden your online presence and have numerous new site visitors without worrying about reaching a limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will give you in-depth details related to the traffic usage to and from your account, that will allow you to handle all of your websites as well as your account more effectively. You'll be able to view monthly, daily and hourly statistics, the website traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server plans can host various resource-hungry websites since they come with a lot of computing power. Such websites usually produce a lot of site traffic and for this reason we have made the decision not to limit this characteristic. When you use a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many website visitors as you can get without having to worry that you may hit a restriction for the website traffic they will produce. To save you time, you will be able to monitor what's going on in the account because we will provide you with monthly, daily and hourly numbers for the traffic your websites produce. As a result, you will be aware of the way they perform at any time. You'll even be able to view which page or file has produced the most traffic for every single web site in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Hosting
With each virtual private server plan that you can find here, we offer a unique monthly website traffic quota that will depend on how powerful your server is. Thus, we're able to keep our lower-end plans inexpensive and give you the chance to pick the package you need in accordance with your budget and your resource needs. Updating from one plan to another is quite simple and takes only a few clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, so when you start to get more website visitors at some point so you need a higher traffic allowance, you will be able to shift to a greater plan at any time. We will update you in case you reach 90% of your monthly allowance, so that you'll have enough time either to upgrade or to optimise your sites, in order to reduce the outgoing site traffic. Our VPS packages also come with a server administration panel where you can see how much traffic has already been used for the month and exactly how much is left until you reach the allowance restriction.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting
The monthly traffic allowance that is included with our dedicated server packages is sufficient for any type of website irrespective of its type. Your web applications can produce terabytes of traffic, which ensures that all your visitors will never notice any type of error message on your site because of not sufficient allowance like it can happen with other types of website hosting. In addition, we leave the possibility to upgrade your traffic amount open, but it is highly unlikely that you'll ever need it even if you want to operate a file sharing web site or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel gives you accurate real-time information how much data has been transmitted for the month to date, and what amount of it remains until you reach the restriction. We'll also alert you once you reach 90% of the allowance in order to be on the safe side and prevent any downtime of your sites. The information in our panel contains the entire traffic, plus software downloads, consequently it is more precise than the one in your website hosting Control Panel where you can see details only about the customers developed by online content.